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Vingt-quatre heures avant de prêter serment en tant que 45e président des Etats-Unis, Donald Trump s'est rendu au Trump International Hotel de Washington, ouvert à l'automne à quelques centaines de mètres de la Maison Blanche, pour un déjeuner rassemblant des centaines de personnes, dont des responsables du Congrès et de son administration. Durée: 00:43
Lets see How Donald Trump is Defined in numbers. <br />Amazing facts about Donald Trump.
Meredith McIver, the writer of Melania Trumps speech, attempted to resign Wednesday but Donald Trump rejected her resignation. Josh King has the story (@abridgetoland)
In Berlin sind am Tag von Donald Trumps Amtseinführung tausende Menschen auf die Straße gegangen, um gegen den neuen Präsidenten der USA zu demonstrieren. Bei der Endkundgebung am Brandenburger Tor versammelten sich vor allem US-Amerikaner, die mit ihrem neuen Staatsoberhaupt alles andere als zufrieden sind.
<br /> A la veille d'un sommet consacré au financement de la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, Anne Hidalgo, la maire de Paris, a reçu lundi 11 décembre Arnold Schwarzenegger, ex-gouverneur de Californie et fondateur du R20, une ONG qui conseille les gouvernements sub-nationaux pour la mise en œuvre de projets écologiques. L'ancien acteur est notamment revenu sur la décision de Donald Trump de quitter l'accord de Paris sur le climat. <br />
Melania Trump a publiquement contredit son mari suite à une polémique entre le président et la star du basket américain LeBron James.<br /><br />Retrouver toutes les infos sur la vidéo sur :
Lors de sa conférence de presse, mercredi 11 janvier, Donald Trump s'est exprimé sur ses liens avec Vladimir Poutine et la Russie. M. Trump a simplement dit que si le président de la Russie l’appréciait, ce serait « un atout ». Par ailleurs, le président-élu a assuré n'avoir aucun intérêt en Russie, ni aucune intention d'en avoir.
On Friday, the Trump administration informed Twitter that it longer demands the identity of the anti-Trump Twitter account. The announcement comes a day after Twitter sued the US government over the order to unmask the account.
Egy elnöki tanácsadó pozitív vírus-tesztje után végezték el a vizsgálatot az amerikai elnöki párnál. Mindketten karanténban vannak.View on euronews</a>
Trump floaties, Confederate flags - a boat parade for Trump
Trump gets punked by Rubio.....
A group of protesters fly an inflatable caricature of an infant Donald Trump during a demonstration at US-Mexico border ahead of US President Donald Trump visit.<br />
Jay Sekulow, a member of President Trump’s legal team, repeatedly said on four television shows June 18 that Trump isn’t under investigation by the special counsel.
Trump TAPS OUT after Federal Court LOSS #trump #news<br /><br />In an unprecedented twist of fate, the political arena witnesses a seismic upheaval as former President Donald Trump concedes defeat following a bruising battle in the federal courts. After a grueling legal showdown that captured the attention of the nation, Trump finds himself on the losing end, forced to tap out in the face of an adverse ruling.<br /><br />The courtroom drama unfolded against the backdrop of intense scrutiny, as Trump's legal team sparred vigorously with opponents in a high-stakes clash of legal titans. With the eyes of the world upon them, each legal maneuver and argument carried weighty implications for the future of American jurisprudence and the political landscape at large.<br /><br />For Trump, accustomed to the cutthroat world of business and politics, the court's verdict dealt a devastating blow, signaling a rare moment of vulnerability in his otherwise resilient persona. Despite his trademark bravado and defiance, the weight of the legal system proved insurmountable, compelling him to accept the bitter reality of defeat.<br /><br />The fallout from Trump's courtroom setback reverberates far and wide, sending shockwaves through the corridors of power and sparking intense debate among pundits, lawmakers, and ordinary citizens alike. Questions abound about the implications of this legal defeat for Trump's political ambitions, as well as its broader ramifications for the future trajectory of American democracy.<br /><br />Against this backdrop of uncertainty and speculation, one thing remains abundantly clear: the wheels of justice spare no one, regardless of their status or influence. As the dust settles on this extraordinary legal saga, the nation is left to grapple with the enduring legacy of Trump's tumultuous presidency and the enduring principles upon which the American legal system stands.<br /><br />In the annals of history, this chapter will undoubtedly be remembered as a defining moment in the ongoing saga of American politics—a moment when the rule of law triumphed over partisan interests, and the enduring strength of democracy prevailed in the face of unprecedented challenges.<br /> #Trump #FederalCourt #LegalBattle #Politics #DonaldTrump #Law #Justice #CourtLoss #LegalSystem #PoliticalDrama #Rumble #BreakingNews #Judiciary #LegalBlow #USPolitics #PoliticalUpheaval #LegalRumble #CourtroomShowdown #TrumpAdministration #LawAndOrder #LegalDefeat #PoliticalWhirlwind #LegalDecision #TrumpVsJustice #LegalRuling #PoliticalFallout #LegalSetback #JudicialProcess #TrumpTapsOut #LegalWarfare<br />Unconsciousness, neurological disorder, brain injury, trauma, life support, vegetative state, Glasgow Coma Scale, sedation, intensive care unit, brain imaging, brain function monitoring, family support, medical emergency, neurological examination, respiratory support, neurological consultation, brain hemorrhage, seizure, medication management, intracranial pressure monitoring, physical therapy, occupational therapy, cognitive therapy
As Facebook targets fake news and removes tons of political pages for violating community rules, President Trump’s supporters now have an alternative. Veuer's Natasha Abellard has the story.
Monday, April 4, 2016: At a Donald Trump campaign rally in Milwaukee, WI, Melania Trump spoke a few words.