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So sharp it can cut through a cement wall <br />So precise it can cut it all, <br />so sharp are the words you speak, <br />The words that make my blood leak, <br />Just a few words can change it all, <br />Two words can be enough to fall, <br />So important are your words to me <br />It blinds me from what I should really see <br />Sliver the world up like a broken wood arrow, <br />Cut inside, soft as a sparrow <br />Slowly eating away my inside <br />As my conscious screams you need to hide <br />But your voice slithers inside my head <br />Threatening to bite me with venom that spreads <br />But before the thought reaches my mind <br />You speak more words and paralyze my spine, <br />I cant speak, I can’t move at all, <br />The more I try to run the more I fall, <br />I try to get away and I do as I must but then I heard the words, <br />The words I trust…. <br />And you say it, you say you love me, the venom releases almost instantly <br />I can feel it as it runs through my veins, <br />I’m not paralyzed anymore, I scream your name, <br />Because as the venom releases I see what’s inside, <br />It left a mark, a mark you can’t hide, <br />And in the corner of that dark little place, <br />I see your words I cannot erase, <br />I love you is sketched to my heart, <br />I try and try to demolish that part, <br />But as I do, and it goes a way, a piece of me, will no longer stay<br /><br />Katie Novak<br /><br />
WAIT, not now <br />it's not your turn <br />be patient <br />don't let your heart burn <br /> <br />WAIT, not now <br />wait for it <br />just a few more turns <br />take time to relax, breath, sit <br /> <br />WAIT, not now <br />in a few more years <br />you may think it's time, but it's not <br />calm all your fears <br /> <br />WAIT, not now <br />it's her turn <br />you had yours <br />it's time to rest and learn<br /><br />Katie Wiz<br /><br />
Un duo de Noël incroyable ... Faites vos voeux !
Matt Lauer and Katie Couric appear on Today again
I thought they were there for you. <br />They're the ones that are supossed to help at the lowest times <br />They don't <br />They're the ones bringing you down <br />You don't reconize it ' cause it's hard to <br />You drift farther and farther into thier trap <br />Then SNAP! <br />The claws close on you <br />Your heart is crushed <br />You were betrayed <br />They call themselves 'friends' <br />That's what they want you to believe <br />Well don't believe it <br />Don't trust anyone <br />You may be able to for a little while but know that it's not real <br />They'll suck you in <br />You'll fall for it without a doubt <br />Im warning you now <br />It's just betrayal<br /><br />katie shaw<br /><br />
Ten teledysk dedykuję GOSI "Gosiewa". Dzięki za oceny i odwiedziny.<br />To jedna z moich ulubionych piosenek. i z tą melodią mi się kojarzysz.<br />I akurat to wykonanie bardziej lubię od wykonania Mika Jagera.<br />Pozdrawiam MIK.
Dans le train pour ostende =D
On this episode of Booky Nicola chats to Katie Fforde who writes compelling women's fiction from her base in the Costwolds. Best-selling is an understatement for Katie, who is never happier than with a notepad in her hand crafting a story with a happy ending. Katie is an author who understands the years of rejection many writers face and is proof it is possible to find your way even if life gets in the way.
Katie Melua "Starting Out 2003" | (19th March 2005) | Katie Melua - On The Road Again<br />Starring: Katie Melua | KATIE MELUA IN CONCERT | DRAMATICO <br />A Selection Of Previously Released Extras <br />All Katie Photos by Susie Alnutt. Additional Band Photos by Rob Chilton & Susie Alnutt. <br /><br /><br />DRAMATICO<br />Album: Katie Melua - On The Road Again<br />Copyright DRAMATICO 2004<br />Label: Dramatico <br />℗ & © 2005 Dramatico Entertainment Ltd<br />Live At Fairfield Halls Croydon, 18th March 2004<br />DRAMDVD0002 <br />Belfast (Penguins & Cats), Downstairs To Sun, Farway Voice, The Shirt Of A Ghost<br />Running Time: 00:59
People are never fit, <br />They go through life thinking there perfect, <br />But there not, <br />People who are fit, <br />Are the people that we don't know, <br />People that know them, <br />Are crazy beacause no one is perfect.<br /><br />Katie Huntress<br /><br />
images go through me, him and me <br />so romantic, so happy <br />yet if you rip that wall paper away you find just a wall <br />when looking at it makes me feel so small <br />addicted to his smell <br />addicted to his laugh <br />addicted him in all it is hell <br />It's not like a pencil when you rub the mark out <br />it's always in my head, it messes me about <br />i will confess i am addicted<br /><br />katie badham<br /><br />