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Dünyaca ünlü top model Naomi Campbell, yaklaşık 5 günlük İstanbul ziyaretinin ardından Londra’ya gitti. Havalimanında gazetecileri fark eden ünlü model, görüntü alınmaması için kameramanlardan kaçtı. <br /><br />Abone ol / Subscribe:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Down out of heaven, <br />Frost-kissed <br />And wind driven, <br />Flake upon flake, <br />Over forest and lake, <br />Cometh the snow. <br /> <br />Folding the forest, <br />Folding the farms, <br />In a mantle of white; <br />And the river’s great arms, <br />Kissed by the chill night <br />From clamor to rest, <br />Lie all white and shrouded <br />Upon the world’s breast. <br /> <br />Falling so slowly <br />Down from above, <br />So white, hushed, and holy, <br />Folding the city <br />Like the great pity <br />Of God in His love; 20 <br />Sent down out of heaven <br />On its sorrow and crime, <br />Blotting them, folding them <br />Under its rime. <br /> <br />Fluttering, rustling, <br />Soft as a breath, <br />The whisper of leaves, <br />The low pinions of death, <br />Or the voice of the dawning, <br />When day has its birth, <br />Is the music of silence <br />It makes to the earth. <br /> <br />Thus down out of heaven, <br />Frost-kissed <br />And wind driven, <br />Flake upon flake, <br />Over forest and lake, <br />Cometh the snow.<br /><br />William Wilfred Campbell<br /><br />
Dave Campbell "Citizen Operative"
Her life was touched with early frost, <br />About the April of her day, <br />Her hold on earth was lightly lost, <br />And like a leaf she went away. <br /> <br />Her soul was chartered for great deeds, <br />For gentle war unwonted here: <br />Her spirit sought her clearer needs, <br />An Empyrean atmosphere. <br /> <br />At hush of eve we hear her still <br />Say with her clear, her perfect smile, <br />And with her silver-throated thrill: <br />"A little while - a little while."<br /><br />Duncan Campbell Scott<br /><br />
Say hello to Paula Campbell, from Australia.<br />She did the artwork for the ALife4Sale website,<br />and is very creative and artistic.<br />Paula Campbell In Oz
Una espléndida velada con familiares y amigos en restaurant Don Diego Tijuana
Set Down on the Bed <br />Her favorite Vibrator <br />Out of Batteries<br /><br />Samantha Campbell<br /><br />
Little Johnny <br />Beep, Beep, Creep, Creep <br />The bug runs along in the sand <br />Sweep, Sweep, Peep, Peep <br />Little Johnny follows along with his hand <br />Tweep, Tweep, Tweep, Tweep <br />The birds sing along with demand <br />Then suddenly a RUSH <br />The wind swoop up - the bug ran off <br />Little Johnny runs along<br /><br />Merlene Campbell<br /><br />
Come to me when grief is over, <br />When the tired eyes, <br />Seek thy cloudy wings to cover <br />Close their burning skies. <br /> <br />Come to me when tears have dwindled <br />Into drops of dew, <br />When the sighs like sobs re-kindled <br />Are but deep and few. <br /> <br />Hold me like a crooning mother, <br />Heal me of the smart; <br />All mine anguish let me smother <br />In thy brooding heart.<br /><br />Duncan Campbell Scott<br /><br />
Some men are born to gather women's tears, <br />To give a harbour to their timorous fears, <br />To take them as the dry earth takes the rain, <br />As the dark wood the warm wind from the plain; <br />Yet their own tears remain unshed, <br />Their own tumultuous fears unsaid, <br />And, seeming steadfast as the forest and the earth <br />Shaken are they with pain. <br />They cry for voice as earth might cry for the sea <br />Or the wood for consuming fire; <br />Unanswered they remain <br />Subject to the sorrows of women utterly - <br />Heart and mind, <br />Subject as the dry earth to the rain <br />Or the dark wood to the wind.<br /><br />Duncan Campbell Scott<br /><br />
Naomi Campbell breaks down on the Oprah Winfrey show about her angry outbursts.