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Elon Musk warns us about AI_ shorts.<br />Must watch.
Elon Musk Smokes Marijuana During<br />Live Interview The billionaire inventor joined Joe Rogan on his live internet podcast. The comedian handed Musk a joint live during the interview. The Tesla executive questioned whether it was a joint or a cigar. Elon then smoked the marijuana<br />on-camera with Rogan during<br />the interview. The interview was held in California, where it is legal to use the drug. Throughout the interview Musk also took part in some other crazy acts. He brought along a flamethrower, drank whiskey and played with a Samurai sword. Elon even addressed his tweeting habits, saying he typically ignores negative comments on social media. Joe Rogan’s podcast ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ is one of the most popular<br />in America.
Talulah Riley will always "love" her ex-husband Elon Musk, who she previously divorced twice.
Read This: ALL CREDIT GO TO THE REAL OWNER = Elon Musk & 60 Minutes. This is my favorite quotes from EM ...
Hope you all enjoy this tracking footage from Starship Flight 5! <br /><br />This was shot from Isla Blanca Park on South Padre Island. It was very difficult to track this throughout the entire flight due to having to move the camera to a near 90 degree angle in order to capture hot staging. On the way down I was doing a great job of tracking it until it passed behind the exhaust plume. Thankfully Ryan Hansen Space allowed me to use his footage to fill in some of the gaps from where I lost the booster. <br /><br />I will be posting a Flight 5 Analysis in the coming days so be on the lookout for that!<br /><br />Join this channel to get access to exclusive perks:<br /><br /><br />Please consider supporting CSI Starbase on:<br />Patreon: / csi_starbase <br />PayPal:<br />Twitter: / csi_starbase <br /><br />CSI Starbase Production : Geoff Allan<br /> / deffgeff !<br /><br />▶︎ Ryan Hansen Space - CSI 3D Forensics Agent<br />Patreon - / ryanhansenspace <br /> -<br />YouTube - / @ryanhansenspace <br /><br />Music Credits<br /><br />1:31 Max H. - The Destiny Licensed from Artlist<br />3:43 Max H. - Wisdom Blade Licensed from Artlist<br />5:56 Max H. - Dark Horizons Licensed from Artlist<br /><br />Last but not least I want to give HUGE SHOUTOUT to the entire CSI Starbase team on discord. This dedicated team of 200+ agents with specialties ranging all across the board, has been crucial in getting the most accurate info for these episodes. Couldn't do it without yal!
Tesla'nın CEO'su Elon Musk şirketin Model 3 otomobilinde üretim hedeflerini yakalamakta zorlandığı için iflasın eşiğine geldiğini söyledi. <br><p>Elektrikli otomobil markası Tesla'nın CEO'su Elon Musk şirkete ilişkin önemli bir açıklama yaptı. 2018 içinde Tesla'nın üretim hedeflerini yakalamakta zorlandığını belirtti. Musk, "Tesla üretim hedeflerini karşılayamadığı için ölümden döndü" dedi. </p>ŞİRKET 2016'DAN BERİ ZARAR EDİYORDU<p>Haziran ayı itibariyle Tesla'nın sedan tasarımı Model 3'te üretim hedeflerini yakalayabildiği belirtildi. Haziran ayındaki toparlanmadan sonra Tesla Ekim ayında kara geçmeye başladı. Şirket 2016 yılından beri sürekli zarar ediyordu.</p>ŞİRKET TAŞINMASA, YOK OLACAKTI<p>Elon Musk üretim hedeflerini daha yakından incelemek için şirketin fabrikalarının bulunduğu California'nın Fremont bölgesine taşındığını belirtti. Musk taşınma kararını, "Taşındım çünkü eğer taşınmasaydım Tesla büyük bir ihtimalle yok olacaktı" ifadelerini kullandı. Haber</a><br /><br />
Elon Musk gets Twitter for $44-B
Tesla ($TSLA@US) CEO Elon Musk sold about 22 million shares of his electric vehicle business, which were worth around $3.6 billion. Earlier this year, Musk told his millions of followers on social media that he had “no further TSLA sales planned” after April 28. He continued to sell his shares in Tesla after agreeing to buy Twitter ($TWTR@US), and he told employees there that he sold Tesla shares to “save” their business. Shares of Tesla dropped 2.6 percent by Wednesday’s closing at $156.80. The company’s shares are down 55 percent year-to-date as of Wednesday’s close.
Alex Gibney to Make , Elon Musk Documentary.<br />Alex Gibney to Make , Elon Musk Documentary.<br />'Variety' reports that the Oscar-winning director made the announcement on March 6.<br />The project, which is already in production, will be a “definitive and unvarnished examination of multi-billionaire tech entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter.”.<br />Gibney said he was "hugely excited" <br />to examine Musk on film.<br />The documentary will be produced by <br />Jigsaw Productions, Closer Media, <br />Anonymous Content and Double Agent.<br />Now is the moment for a rigorous portrait of Elon Musk, who is undeniably one of the most influential figures of our time. , Zhang Xin, Closer Media founder, via statement.<br />Closer Media is thrilled to join forces with Alex Gibney, Anonymous Content, and Double Agent to take on the challenge of examining Musk <br />and his impact on the world, Zhang Xin, Closer Media founder, via statement.<br />Some of Gibney's notable works include <br />'Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief,'.<br />'Taxi to the Dark Side,' <br />'Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room'.<br />and 'Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine.'
Top 10 Spaceships Built by Elon Musk<br /><br />Elon musk must be the greatest Rocket builder of all time. His company SpaceX dedicated only to space explorations. In this video, we are looking at the Top 10 spaceships built by Elon Musk and his crew. <br />
Elon Musk cancela la compra de Twitter y la red social le amenaza con una batalla legal para que cumpla su compromiso de adquirir la empresa por 44 000 millones de dólares
KALIMANTANSATU TV - Mantan anchor CNN Don Lemon mengajukan gugatan kepada Elon Musk. <br /><br />Hal ini setelah berbulan-bulan perusahaan platform media social X mengakhiri kesepakatan kerja samanya secara tidak adil. <br /><br />Gugatan diajukan ke Pengadilan Tinggi California di San Francisco pada Kamis, 1 Agustus 2024. <br /><br />(*)
Elon Musk defends Twitter layoffs - BBC News<br />
Elon Musk has sued OpenAI for breach of contract over the company benefiting from profits.
Elon Musk a présenté jeudi le Cybertruck, premier pick-up électrique de Tesla, au moment de l'ouverture des livraisons, lors d'un événement organisé au siège de l'entreprise, à Austin, au Texas.
Elon Musk ha anunciado que Twitter tendrá un nuevo CEO. Todavía no se ha elegido a la persona que estará a cargo de la red social, pero se sabe que comenzará a trabajar en 6 semanas. Musk dice que pasará a ser "presidente ejecutivo y director de tecnología, supervisando producto, software y sysops". Las acciones de Tesla subieron más de un 2% tras conocerse la noticia, señal de que los inversores estaban satisfechos con la medida. Bajo su mandato, se han producido despidos masivos y Twitter se ha enfrentado a múltiples problemas técnicos. Según The Washington Post, los ingresos por publicidad cayeron recientemente hasta un 75%. Esto se debió en parte al lanzamiento de su polémico modelo de suscripción Twitter Blue. El servicio permitía a los usuarios comprar la marca de verificación azul de Twitter por 8 dólares al mes, pero provocó una confusión generalizada y pérdidas para las empresas. Además, el precio de Twitter cayó a la mitad desde que Musk compró la empresa.
70.000 Besucher zählt die Festung Belogradtschik jährlich. Elon Musk hat um den bulgarischen Ort einen Hype auf Social Media ausgelöst<br />Das Video auf<br /><br />Foto Thumbnail: Foto: AFP/Nikolay Doychinov/AP/Patrick Pleul/DER STANDARD
Elon Musk dilaporkan sudah menyelesaikan akuisisi Twitter setelah melewati drama yang sangat panjang. Diketahui bahwa dirinya membeli Twitter senilai US$ 44 miliar atau setara dengan 684,6 triliun (bila dihitung dengan kurs Rp 15.559/dolar AS).<br /><br />Lantas dari mana saja sumber dana yang Elon Musk gunakan untuk mengambil alih kepemilikan Twitter?<br /><br />1. Dana Pribadi<br />miliarder kelahiran Afrika Selatan itu secara pribadi mengeluarkan kurang lebih sekitar US$ 27 miliar tunai untuk keperluan akuisisi tersebut.<br /><br />2. Dana investasi<br />Selain merogoh kocek pribadi, Elon Musk mendapat pendanaan dalam bentuk investasi dari sejumlah pihak. Diketahui dirinya medapatkan investasi dengan jumlah total mencapai US$ 5,2 miliar.<br /><br />3. Pinjaman<br />Sedangkan untuk sisa uang yang diperlukan Musk untuk membeli Twitter (senilai sekitar US$ 13 miliar) akan didukung oleh pinjaman bank.<br />