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0 Views · 2 months ago

Elon Musk, Supercharger ağının Norveç'ten Türkiye'ye kadar uzanacağını açıkladı. <br><p>Tesla ve Space X şirketlerinin kurucusu Elon Musk, Supercharger ağıyla ilgili Türkiye'yi yakından ilgilendiren bir açıklama yaptı. Musk, Supercharger ağının Norveç'ten Türkiye'ye kadar uzanacağını açıkladı.</p>"İRLANDA'DAN KİEV'E, NORVEÇ'TEN TÜRKİYE'YE"<p>Musk, attığı twitte İrlanda'nın bazı bölgelerinin Supercharger'a ihtiyacı olduğu twitine yanıt olarak, "Supercharger ağı gelecek yıl Avrupa'nın yüzde 100'ünü kaplayacak şekilde genişleyecek. İrlanda'dan Kiev'e, Norveç'ten Türkiye'ye" ifadelerini kullandı. </p>Haber</a><br /><br />

0 Views · 2 months ago

Elon Musk is said to have formally announced he will be chief executive officer of Twitter.

0 Views · 2 months ago

Roma, 28 ott. (askanews) - Elon Musk ha completato l'acquisto da 44 miliardi di dollari di Twitter e lo ha annunciato scrivendo proprio un tweet sul social network: "L'uccello è libero". Un riferimento al logo e un apparente cenno al suo desiderio di vedere l'azienda con meno limiti ai contenuti che possono essere pubblicati. La prima mossa di Musk è stata licenziare il ceo, Parag Agrawal; assumerà lui stesso il ruolo di amministratore delegato. Secondo fonti a lui vicine, citate da diversi media, ha inoltre licenziato il capo del settore finanziario e la dirigente di quello legale.Dopo aver annunciato di voler acquistare la società ad aprile, Musk ha passato diversi mesi a tentare di uscire dall'accordo, citando preoccupazioni sul numero di bot sulla piattaforma.Il patron di Tesla, tra gli uomini più ricchi del mondo ha licenziato alti dirigenti e fornito poca chiarezza su come realizzerà le ambizioni elevate che ha delineato per l'influente piattaforma social. Ha cambiato la sua descrizione nel suo profilo Twitter in "Chief Twit". E ha cercato inoltre di calmare i timori dei dipendenti circa il loro imminente licenziamento, assicurando agli inserzionisti che le sue passate critiche alle regole di moderazione dei contenuti sul social non avrebbero danneggiato il suo appeal. "Twitter non può ovviamente diventare un inferno libero, dove si può dire di tutto senza conseguenze!" ha dichiarato in una lettera aperta agli inserzionisti.

0 Views · 2 months ago

Jeff Bezos owns Blue Origins & Elon Musk owns Space X

0 Views · 2 months ago

AP Photo Elon Musk strange tweets have continued, with the CEO tweeting "Take the red pill" on May 17. "Taking the red pill" is a common internet trope about an individual shifting their political views rightward. It's commonly used in forums dedicated to topics like Donald Trump, "men's rights" organizations, or "New York" described in this way in an article writing about the meaning of "taking the red pill" in 2019: Online, "to red pill" is to learn that you've been defrauded and misled, that you've bought into a false and diabolical lie, and that your only way out is to obtain true knowledge about the way the world works.

0 Views · 2 months ago


0 Views · 2 months ago

Elon Musk Buys Out the Neighbors,Elon Musk announced his fortune.

0 Views · 2 months ago

Geçtiğimiz günlerde Elon Musk Twitter'ı satın aldığını duyurdu. Sosyal medya kullanıcıları tarafından Musk yönetimi altında Twitter'da nelerin değişeceği merak konusu oldu. Haber Global Dış Haber Editörü Eda Tuğrul, konuya ilişkin gelişmeleri aktardı.<br />

0 Views · 2 months ago

Elon Musk makes his mark on the social media platform by tweeting a range of changes.

0 Views · 2 months ago

Is Elon Musk a Good CEO?

0 Views · 2 months ago

Notizia 1 link<br /><br />Notizie 2 link

0 Views · 2 months ago

Abonnez vous vite à notre chaîne : <br />Activez la petite cloche ci-dessus et recevez une notification pour chaque publication. <br /> <br />Plus d’info sur Futura : <br /> <br />➽ Qui sommes-nous ? <br />Depuis sa création en 2001, Futura s'est imposé comme un grand média français du décryptage de l'actualité et du savoir scientifique. De prestigieuses personnalités scientifiques nous soutiennent au quotidien et participent à nos vidéos lors d’entretiens. Professionnels des sciences et amateurs éclairés, le savoir est notre bien commun, l'exactitude de la démarche scientifique, notre boussole ! <br /> <br />Vous trouverez sur notre chaîne des vidéos instructives, étonnantes, fascinantes pour explorer le monde. <br />Nous décryptons le savoir scientifique et technologique à travers 5 grandes thématiques : Sciences, Technologie, Santé, Maison et Planète <br />Abonnez-vous vite pour ne rien manquer et à bientôt :) ! <br /> <br />➽ Pour suivre les évolutions du monde, retrouvez nous sur : <br />Notre site : <br />Facebook : <br />Twitter : <br /> <br />Crédits vidéos : <br /> Tesla <br /> Hyperloop <br /> SpaceX <br /> SolarCity <br /> Boring Company <br />

0 Views · 2 months ago

Elektrikli araçlar üreten Tesla otomotiv şirketinin patronu Elon Musk, şirketi özel mülkiyete geçirip, borsada işlem görmesine son vermeyi düşündüğünü ve "bunun şirketin ilerllemesi için en iyi yol olduğunu" savundu. <br><br><br>Musk, Tesla'nın borsada işlem görmesine son verilmesiyle artık şirketin yatırımcıları tatmin etmek için kısa vadeli kararlar alma baskısından kurtulacağını belirtti.<br><br>Elon Musk, alışılmadık bir adım atarak bu duyuruyu piyasa düzenleme ve denetleme kurumları aracalığıyla değil, Twitter'dan yaptı.<br><br>Musk, hissedarların onay vermesi gereken hamleye yatırımcıların da destek verdiğini belirtti.<br><br>Elon Musk, şirket hisselerini toplamak için yatırımcılara hisse başına, mevcut değerinin beşte bir daha fazlası olan 420 dolarlık ödeme yapmayı teklif edeceğini vurguladı.<br><br>Musk, şirket hisselerini geri toplamak için gereken mali kaynağı bulduğunu da söylemekle birlikte, bu konuda ayrıntı vermedi. Haber</a><br /><br />

0 Views · 2 months ago

The lawsuit stems from one of Silicon Valley's most colourful entrepreneurs' tweets about one of the divers who was involved in the Thai cave rescue last year.

0 Views · 2 months ago

The Falcon 9 Rocket carried a supercomputer made by HP and Elon Musk, that is destined to defy the radiation in space.

0 Views · 2 months ago

Elon Musk annonce que le rachat de Twitter ne pourra pas se faire sans garantie sur les faux comptes. VIDÉOGRAPHIE

0 Views · 2 months ago

Billionaire Elon Musk wants to end his $44 billion deal to buy Twitter, according to a letter sent by a lawyer on his behalf to the company’s chief legal officer Friday.<br /><br />But Twitter’s board chair Bret Taylor said the company is still committed to closing the deal at the agreed-upon price and plans to pursue legal action to enforce the agreement.<br /><br />“We are confident we will prevail in the Delaware Court of Chancery,” Taylor wrote.<br /><br />Twitter shares were down about 6% after hours on Friday.<br /><br />In the letter, disclosed in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, Skadden Arps attorney Mike Ringler said that “Twitter has not complied with its contractual obligations.”<br /><br />Ringler claimed that Twitter did not provide Musk with relevant business information he requested, as Ringler said the contract would require. Musk has previously said he wanted to assess Twitter’s claims that about 5% of its monetizable daily active users (mDAUs) are spam accounts.<br /><br />“Twitter has failed or refused to provide this information,” Ringler claimed. “Sometimes Twitter has ignored Mr. Musk’s requests, sometimes it has rejected them for reasons that appear to be unjustified, and sometimes it has claimed to comply while giving Mr. Musk incomplete or unusable information.”<br /><br />Ringler also charged in the letter that Twitter breached the merger agreement because it allegedly contains “materially inaccurate representations.” This accusation is based on Musk’s own preliminary review of spam accounts on Twitter’s platform. Twitter has said it’s not possible to calculate spam accounts from solely public information and that a team of experts conducts a review to reach the 5% figure.<br /><br />“Despite public speculation on this point, Mr. Musk did not waive his right to review Twitter’s data and information simply because he chose not to seek this data and information before entering into the Merger Agreement,” Ringer added. “In fact, he negotiated access and information rights within the Merger Agreement precisely so that he could review data and information that is important to Twitter’s business before financing and completing the transaction.”<br /><br />While Musk is now officially seeking to walk away from the deal, this saga is likely far from over.<br /><br />Under the terms of the agreement, Musk agreed to pay $1 billion if he backs out. But as Twitter’s board chair indicated they would do, the company can seek to hold Musk to his original deal by suing him for walking away if they dispute that his reasoning should let him out of the contract.<br /><br />Twitter has reason to seek to hold Musk to his original terms. The stock has fallen considerably since the board announced it had accepted his offer to buy the company at $54.20 per share. On the day of that announcement, the stock ended the trading day at $51.70 per share. Twitter shares sat at $36.81 as of Friday’s market close.<br /><br />Musk is apparently paying attention to the stock price, too, according to the letter, “and is considering whether the company’s declining

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