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Alex Merced discusses how expensive social safety nets can weight so much on a population that it can force it's citizenry to emmigrate or render it to expensive to have children causing the population to age.
High Human Birth Rate Led to Cooperation<br />The Leakey Foundation - California Academy of Sciences<br />The conclusion to the symposium.
Can Spiking Birth Rates Promote Religious Fundamentalism?<br />Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Festival of Dangerous Ideas<br />Eric Kaufmann is a political scientist and author of the recently published Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?.With all the current talk about the revival of religion, political scientist Eric Kaufmann takes a look at the statistics and muses that if demography is any guide, the world over the next half century will become much more religious and much more conservative.
As one of Africa's most densely populated countries, Rwanda is running out of land. It is urgently trying to slow the national birth rate. The government has responded with a radical new strategy; it is encouraging men to be sterilised by having vasectomies. Al Jazeera's Peter Greste reports from Gakenke in the east.
Changes to the strict "one-child policy" since 2016 have failed to result in a hoped-for baby boom
KPMG economist, Terry Rawnsley, says cost of living pressures are having an impact on the national birth rate dropping to its lowest level in almost two decades.
More than half a million of our nation’s newborns didn’t get the healthy start they deserved. For the 2nd consecutive year, the U.S. earned only a “D” on the March of Dimes Premature Birth Report Card. Learn more at
A new report on how Americans gave birth in 2014 shows the twin population in the U.S. has peaked this year. Paula Vasan (@paulavasan) has the details.
As Taiwan faces a declining birth rate, systemic reform may be the only solution. Professor Stuart Giettle-Basten from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology joins TaiwanPlus to discuss its root causes and why financial incentives alone fall short in addressing the deeper societal challenges impacting family planning.
Data released by the Ministry of the Interior is predicting Taiwan’s birth rate to hit a new low in 2024, raising fears over future labor shortages.
The land of the rising sun is struggling to turn people into parents. Meet the man whose task it is to change that.
Tanzania's rapidly growing birth rate is posing a major challenge for the country - on the labour market,for example,and in the health system. Statistically,an average Tanzanian woman will give birth to more than five children. Often the parents are unable to feed them all.In rural areas in particular,many girls become pregnant while still teenagers,forcing them to drop out of school. The result is a vicious circle of poverty,poor schooling and insufficient sex education. <br /><br />The Tanzanian government is seeking to change that trend. National and international educational projects are being introduced,designed to promote family planning.
“Welcome to our channel! In today's video, we cover some of the most shocking news from the world of anime and the entertainment industry in Japan.<br /><br />First, we discuss the recent massive data breach that has affected Kadokawa. Find out what information was compromised and the possible implications for the anime and manga industry.<br /><br />Plus, a popular adult film distributor in Japan has announced its upcoming releases, perplexing the public. We tell you all the details about these surprising developments.<br /><br />Finally, veteran animator Terumi Nishii has taken to social media to express her frustration at what she perceives as unreasonable demands for political correctness in anime production. We analyze her perspective and the community's reactions.<br /><br />Don't forget to like, subscribe and turn on the little bell to stay up to date with all the latest news from the world of anime and entertainment!<br /><br />SOCIAL MEDIA:<br /><br />TikTok:<br />Twitter:<br />FaceBook:<br />Instagram:<br />Youtube:<br />Ko-fi:
A world-first Australian program claims to be reversing the rates of premature births across the country. The federally-funded 'Every Week Counts' program says its work has seen an estimated 4,000 babies prevented from being born too early since 2021.
The death from a heart attack of a South Korean civil servant in January has prompted widespread soul-searching over the difficulties faced by overburdened and exhausted working mothers in a deeply workaholic and male-dominated society.
China Population Concerns: Rare population decline in China by 10% in 2022: Analysis | Oneindia News
China is facing deep concerns regarding its declining population. The country witnessed a record-low number of births in 2022. The Asian nation witnessed a 10 per cent decline in the number of babies born last year. As per the data published by the National Health Commission, in 2022, China had just 9.56 million births. The number of babies born last year was the lowest figure since records began in 1949. Reports suggest that the significant decline in population indicates the government's inability to implement its schemes and policies to encourage parents to have more children. However, the Chinese government is trying to support parents with its schemes amid increasing alarm that the country will become demographically imbalanced. <br /> <br /> #China #ChinaBirthRate #ChinaEconomy #ChinaPopulation #ChinaPopulationDecline #ChinaBirth #XiJinping<br /> ~PR.151~ED.155~GR.121~HT.96~
Japan’s health ministry says the country’s birth rate declined for the seventh consecutive year in 2022 to a record low.<br /><br />Full story:
Herbivore Men just in Japan? Low Birth Rates Wordwide Equals Collaspe
Abortion bans could raise preterm birth rates, doctors say : Shots - Health <br /><br />VIEW MORE :<br />