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Peyton Penrod is a healthy toddler who suddenly needs to be rushed to the Hopkins PICU, one of the country's top ICUs for children.<br />*Download the 720p HD version of Episode 4 on Amazon:
Mike Hopkins talked about the Cougars' 3-point marksmenship.
Dashing through the sand <br />as we hold the other’s hand. <br />Smiling as we run. <br />Having lots of fun. <br /> <br />We run into the water. <br />Though it is cold, we don’t falter. <br />Laughing as we play. <br />Splashing water each other’s way. <br /> <br />He chases me round and round <br />until he grabs and pulls me to the ground. <br />As we roll, the ground smothers my laugh <br />and gives me a sandy bath. <br /> <br />I grow quiet as he stares down at me, <br />for there is something strange in eyes like the sea. <br />He lowers his lips to mine <br />and with his touch, stops time. <br /> <br />At first, he is slow and curious, <br />enough to make me crazy and furious. <br />Then he deepens it <br />and my heartbeat picks up a bit. <br /> <br />My hands get lost in his hair. <br />Black as shadows fleeing from the sun’s glare. <br />His hands grip my arms <br />but not enough to bring me harm. <br /> <br />The kiss is truly wonderful <br />and I believe it’s quite magical. <br />It’s about time we got around to this. <br />I’ve been waiting for our first kiss.<br /><br />Jessie Hopkins<br /><br />
UW coach Mike Hopkins talks about Franck Kepnang's remaining college eligibility.
Katie Holmes verriet Ocean Drive Magazine, dass sie nichts bereut, was sie in ihrem persönlichen Leben getan hat.
Die Schauspielerin feierte ihren Geburtstag mit Familie in New York.
Katie Price poursuit son séjour romantique en Argentine avec son petit-ami Leandro Penna après un terrible accident de voiture.
Hannibal The Cannibal playing Guitar Hero from
Mike Hopkins paid homage to UW players in the NBA.
Katie Price's pink VW Beetle has been repossessed after she missed letters informing her of a fine for failing to pay a £2.50 Dartford Crossing charge.
Der Star stellte die Gewinnerin ihrer Model-Talentshow vor.
Katie Price "acts stupid" but always "knows what's going on".
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