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I24News Desk - 01/11/2017
<br /> Trump, Evanjelistleri ağırladı<br />
Perkembangan pendakwaan ke atas bekas Presiden Donald Trump.<br />Pasukan pembelaan Trump selesai memberi hujah balas hari ini dalam prosiding pendakwaan kes berhubung serangan di bangunan Capitol bulan lepas.
President Trump and Melania Trump have released their 2017 Christmas portrait.
On Friday, the Trump administration informed Twitter that it longer demands the identity of the anti-Trump Twitter account. The announcement comes a day after Twitter sued the US government over the order to unmask the account.
<br />Après un premier débat à l'avantage d'Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump a su se montrer agressif et à légèrement inverser la tendance lors du second débat qui a eu lieu cette nuit. <br /><br />Retrouvez "A la Une de la presse américaine " sur :<br />
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Author Mary Trump says that bipartisanship today in Washington is sending the wrong message about former President Donald Trump. During a “Salon Talks” conversation about her new book, “The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal,” she explains why she wants Democrats in Congress to prosecute her uncle. “Democrats just need to stop pretending that we can all be polite and get along under the current circumstances,” she said.<br /><br />Watch the full interview on “Salon Talks” with Mary Trump here:
President Trump and Ivanka Trump join a panel at Pledge To America's Workers as they talk about the Carl D Perkins Career and Technical Education Act and when it will be signed. They joke around a bit together about it. Watch here.
Donald Trump Jr. appeared on Fox News's “Hannity” on July 11 to defend his meeting with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 presidential campaign, and his father jumped to his defense on Twitter.
El Presidente llamo a el astronauta y comandante de la estación espacial internacional para felicitarla por su récord de la más larga estancia acumulada en el espacio por un astronauta .
Trump Spokeswoman - Americans Will Be Taking 'Trump Vaccine'
Game of Trump Parody: Donald Trump meets Game of Thrones at the Wall Fantastic creation of Donald Trump himself. Winter is Trumping: Donald #Trump ... <br /><br />ABC Australia - Insiders telecast. I am a big fan of Donald Trump. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. Source: <br /><br />Insiders made a mash-up video of Donald Trump as various characters on Game of Thrones. <br /><br />Donald Trump and Game of Thrones united in incredible satire parody The race for the Republican presidential selection has as of ... <br /><br />Donald Trump Game of Thrones - Trump joins Game of Thrones action movies Donald Trump and Game of Thrones united in incredible satire parody Donald ... <br /><br />Game of Trump Trump meets Game of Thrones at the Wall. <br /><br />This satirical video features presidential candidate Donald Trump as a character in the popular "Game of Thrones" movies, attempting to "build a wall" to keep ... <br /><br />A parody video recapping Republican Donald Trump's election campaign in the style of Game of Thrones has received worldwide attention. Aussie video editor ... <br /><br />The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump appears in scenes from the HBO series Game Of Thrones in a mashup by the video editor Huw Parkinson, ... <br /><br />Donald Trump tries to build a WALL to shut out all aliens in Game of Thrones...<br /><br />Game of Trump Parody : Donald Trump meets Game of Thrones at the Wall<br /><br />Game of Trump Parody : Donald Trump meets Game of Thrones at the Wall