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2 Views · 2 months ago

Face à l’ouragan Florence, Trump fait… du Trump !<br /><br />Supermarchés pris d’assaut, fenêtres calfeutrées, longues files de voitures et 1,7 million d’habitants évacués : la population d’une vaste partie de l’est des États-Unis se prépare à l’arrivée de Florence, ouragan potentiellement dévastateur attendu avec des vents extrêmement violents et des pluies diluviennes. Et, pendant ce temps, Donald Trump multiplie les tweets provocateurs où il glorifie son action lors des ouragans de l’an dernier…<br /><br />« Nous avons eu la meilleure note possible pour notre travail lors des ouragans au Texas et en Floride » : face à l’arrivée de l’ouragan Florence, Donald Trump mobilise les Américains et… parle de lui.<br /><br />Dans son premier tweet sur le sujet mercredi, le président américain a lancé un appel à la prudence, dans un rôle mobilisateur plutôt traditionnel pour un président des États-Unis.<br /><br />Mais il a aussi profité de l’occasion pour faire dans l’hyperbole, vanter sa capacité à gouverner et décocher ses flèches à ceux qui mettent en doute cette dernière, style provocateur à l’appui.<br /><br />Lire aussi. Ouragans Florence, Isaac, Hélène, super-typhon Mangkhut : où, quand et comment vont-ils frapper ?<br /><br />« Un super boulot à Porto Rico »<br />Donald Trump a en particulier une nouvelle fois relancé la polémique sur l’attitude de son administration, accusée de négligence dans sa gestion de la crise après le passage de l’ouragan Maria à Porto Rico il y a un an.<br /><br />« Nous avons fait un super boulot à Porto Rico qui n’a pas été apprécié à sa juste valeur », a-t-il tweeté, parlant d’une « île inaccessible avec peu d’électricité et une maire de San Juan totalement incompétente ».<br /><br />La veille, cette dernière, Carmen Yulin Cruz s’était dite scandalisée de l’auto-satisfecit répété du président sur ce dossier.<br /><br />Le bilan officiel est désormais de 2 975 morts sur l’île dans les six mois ayant suivi la catastrophe. Il était auparavant de 64 morts, un chiffre qui a fait l’objet de vives controverses depuis un an.<br /><br />« Arrêtez de tweeter ! »<br />Au moment où toute la côte Est se prépare à l’arrivée de Florence et son impact dévastateur annoncé, les propos présidentiels suscitent une forme de perplexité, et des réactions outrées dans le camp démocrate.<br /><br />Pour Jen Psaki, ancienne conseillère de Barack Obama, cette forme de « joyeuse excitation » sur la puissance de l’ouragan à venir est « répugnante ».<br /><br />« Arrêtez de tweeter ! » a-t-elle lancé à l’adresse du locataire de la Maison Blanche, l’encourageant à s’assurer que toutes les ressources soient déployées et à « offrir la voix calme et posée dont les Américains ont besoin en temps de crise ».<br /><br />La Caroline du Sud, la Caroline du Nord et la Virginie sont les trois États les plus menacés par Florence, qui progresse vers l’ouest et le nord-ouest à une vitesse de 28 km/h et devrait atteindre jeudi soir les côtes américaines.

2 Views · 2 months ago

A group of protesters fly an inflatable caricature of an infant Donald Trump during a demonstration at US-Mexico border ahead of US President Donald Trump visit.<br />

2 Views · 2 months ago Head over here to check out this Trump Network Review and how you can use the information to prosper in your own business. Be sure to leave me your comments and find out the trainings I offer.

3 Views · 2 months ago

Elon Musk to take LEGAL ACTION on Microsoft?! | Elon Musk Twitter Microsoft<br />News Facts #shorts

2 Views · 2 months ago

Après 2 années en tant qu'entraineur des trois-quarts au Stade Français Paris, Jeff Dubois quitte le club pour relever un nouveau challenge : celui d'entraineur des arrières avec le XV de France. Gonzalo Quesada, Sergio Parisse et tout le club lui rendent hommage.

2 Views · 2 months ago

2 Views · 2 months ago

sadness <br />i cant feel anything <br />pain <br />have bruises all over me, crying myself to sleep <br />wonder <br />if u still care about me <br /> <br />sadness <br />i cant love you anymore <br />pain i wish i was not alive <br />wonder <br />when you will hold me again <br /> <br />sadness <br />i miss your touch on my body <br />pain <br />my heart hurts and i cant see anything <br />wonder <br />when i will stop wishing i was dead <br /> <br />sadness <br />the moments we had replay in my head over and over again <br />pain <br />why did u leave? <br />wonder <br />if you really loved me <br /> <br />sadness <br />i cant stop crying <br />pain <br />part of me is dying <br />wonder <br />WHEN WILL THIS END?<br /><br />taylor marie<br /><br />

1 Views · 2 months ago

Me Fighting my arch enemies

2 Views · 2 months ago

Though we seem merely mortal, what we are <br />Is clearly mirrored on a deathless flood. <br />We change and fade: our dust is strewn afar— <br />Only the ancient river of our blood, <br />Rising far-off in unimagined spaces, <br />Red with the silt and ruin of the past <br />And churning with the strife of savage races, <br />Like deep Zambezi goes on rolling past, <br />Swiftens through us its energies unending, <br />And reaches out, beneath the shades we cast, <br />To what vast ocean of the night descending, <br />Or in what sunny lake at last to sleep, <br />We do not know — save that it turns to foam, <br />Just here, for us; its currents curl and comb <br />And all its castalies in thunder leap, <br />Silvering, forth into a white resilience <br />Of ecstasy, whose momentary brilliance <br />Must compensate eternities of sleep. <br /> <br />Knowing these things, are not we lovers, then, <br />Though mortal in our nature, more than men? <br />Since by our senses, as by rivers, veined, <br />The hills of primary memory are drained, <br />And the dim summits of their frosty spars, <br />Whose tops are nibbled by the grazing stars, <br />Thawed by the rising noon of our desire, <br />And fusing into consciousness and fire, <br />Down through the sounding canyons of the soul <br />Their rich alluvium of starlight roll.<br /><br />Roy Campbell<br /><br />

2 Views · 2 months ago

2 Views · 2 months ago

2 Views · 2 months ago

3 Views · 2 months ago or call us at 888-653-5147 <br />The premier Honda Dealership in the Ft Campbell, TN area is without a doubt Jenkins and Wynne Honda! Take one step on the lot of Jenkins and Wynne Honda, near Ft Campbell, TN, and you will quickly see why they are the premier. Jenkins and Wynne Honda has the premier Honda inventory, from pre-owned to new. Jenkins and Wynne Honda has the premier Honda service department. Jenkins and Wynne Honda has the premier Honda parts department. Jenkins and Wynne Honda has the premier Honda everything! Don't waste your time looking at other Honda Dealerships around Ft Campbell, TN, just come visit the premier!

2 Views · 2 months ago

Lo! at the couch where infant beauty sleeps, <br />Her silent watch the mournful mother keeps: <br />She, while the lovely babe unconscious lies, <br />Smiles on her slumb'ring child with pensive eyes, <br />And weaves a song of melancholy joy:- <br />'Sleep, image of thy father! - sleep, my boy! <br />No ling'ring hour of sorrow shall be thine, <br />No sigh that rends thy father's heart and mine. <br />Bright, as his manly sire, the son shall be, <br />In form and soul; but, ah! more blest than he! <br />Thy fame, thy worth, thy filial love, at last, <br />Shall soothe his aching heart for all the past; <br />With many a smile my solitude repay, <br />And chase the world's ungenerous scorn away. <br /> <br />'And say, when summon'd from the world and thee <br />I lay my head beneath the willow-tree, <br />And soothe may parted spirit ling'ring near? <br />Oh! wilt thou come at evening hour, to shed <br />The tears of mem'ry o'er my narrow bed; <br />With aching temples on thy hand reclined, <br />Muse on the last 'farewell!' I leave behind, <br />Breathe a deep sigh to winds that murmur low, <br />And think on all my love, and all my woe?' <br /> <br />So speaks affection, ere the infant eye <br />Can look regard, or brighten in reply; <br />But, when the cherub lip hath learn'd to claim <br />A mother's ear by that endearing name, - <br />Soon as the playful innocent can prove <br />A tear of pity, or a smile of love, <br />Or cons his murmuring task beneath her care, <br />Or lisps with holy look his evening prayer, <br />Or gazing, mutely pensive, sits to hear <br />The mournful ballad warbled in his ear, - <br />How fondly looks admiring hope the while, <br />At every artless tear, and every smile! <br />How glows the joyous parent to descry <br />A guileless bosom, true to sympathy!<br /><br />Thomas Campbell<br /><br />

2 Views · 2 months ago

The Malignant National Security Problem of Climate Change<br />The Aspen Institute - The Aspen Institute<br />A panel consisting of Jay Gulledge, John Podesta, James Steinberg, and R. James Woolsey discuss Climate and National Security: Impacts on Foreign Policy at the 2008 Aspen ideas Festival.

3 Views · 2 months ago

I'll never say: 'If you ever need anything, <br />I'll be there.' <br /> <br />I'll always say: 'You'll never need anything, <br />I'll be there.'<br /><br />Matthew Campbell<br /><br />

3 Views · 2 months ago

“Live On Air With Steven Cuoco” is a weekday syndicated satellite radio program produced and hosted by Steven Cuoco, who is a veteran expert in public relations, reality TV, media, broadcasting, and podcasting. The radio program is heard in 200 countries.<br /><br />

3 Views · 2 months ago

CMA Awards 2011

2 Views · 2 months ago

Lossiemouth assistant manager Ian Campbell talks about the home defeat against Deveronvale

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