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De officiële trailer voor de lancering van Farming Simulator 15.
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Les tracteur qui on de la gueule<br /><br />
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Farming Simulator 17
Farming simulator 2009 desoll pour la qualiter d'image
Farming Simulator 19 is a Simulation Games was released on November 20, 2018. Some key new features include a redesigned graphics engine and the addition of horse farming as well as oat and cotton crops. The game also features John Deere machinery for the first time, as well as Komatsu, Rau, Wilson trailer and more. Also featuring the brand new John Deere Cotton DLC which was released on July 23rd, 2019 ...
<br />FARMING SIMULATOR 17<br />!/en-gb/tid=CUSA045
Het boerenleven roept eens te meer met Farming Simulator voor Android. In de game stap je op de trekker en krijg je de leiding over een boerderij.
<br />FARMING SIMULATOR 17<br />!/fr-fr/tid=CUSA045
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<br />Farming Simulator 17<br />!/en-us/tid=CUSA046