People & Blogs
<br /> A Casa Branca garantiu nesta quarta-feira que o presidente americano, Donald Trump, não está ‘nada preocupado’ com o que seu ex-advogado Michael Cohen possa revelar se cooperar com o procurador especial Robert Mueller.<br />
Az amerikai elnök most először mutatkozott így a nyilvánosság előtt.View on euronews</a>
<br /> O Governo israelense anunciou a inauguração de uma nova colônia do país nas Colinas do Golã. A região conquistada da Síria vai ser chamada de 'Ramat Trump', em homenagem ao presidente dos Estados Unidos. <br />
Ivana Trump (née Ivana Marie Zelníčková, le 20 février 1949, à Gottwaldov, Tchécoslovaquie, aujourd'hui Zlín, République tchèque) est une personnalité mondaine et médiatique américaine d'origine tchèque. Ancienne athlète olympique et top modèle, elle est notamment célèbre pour avoir été, durant quinze ans, l'épouse de l'homme d'affaires Donald Trump. <br /> <br />Lire la suite ici: <br /> <br />Voir plus de vidéos similaires ici: <br /> <br />Regarder plus de vidéos sur Wiki Videos: <br /> <br />Suivez nous sur Facebook : <br /> <br /> <br />Suivez nous sur Twitter : <br /> <br />Notre site : <br /> <br />Cette vidéo et ses contenus sont la propriété exclusive de WV Production Limited. <br /> <br />WikiVideos and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © 2015 WV Production Limited. All rights reserved.
Funny poem for donald trump
Trump GIFs and nothing but Trump GIFs! All made by yours truly...
Uptown Trump is capturing the hearts of America. Master T and LIl Lu pay tribute to the great Donald Trump and his quest to Make America Great again. was setup to help connect Donald supporters and make sure the coolest guy to run for President ever gets elected and restores this country to land of the free and the home of the brave. Show your support for Trump and help us get the word out.
Donald Trump is running for President, so we made a campaign song. **Lyrics below!** Subscribe now for more Animation Domination High-Def clips: .
<br>Stay motivated and help TRUMP make America great again by sharing the TRUMP FIGHT SONG! [unofficial] TRUMP 2016! Created by a combat veteran who .
<br>much fun! :D.
<br>Performed By: TUSK Written By: Ronnie McDowell/James Ducker/Stacy Hogan Published By: Richland Station Produced By: Stacy Hogan.
<br>GO:OD AM Album Out Now Download it here: Rex Arrow Films, Rostrum Records & TreeJTV Present. Mac Miller Donald Trump .
America's future is at stake.
Trump video<br />
Exclusive video @ <br /><br />Real estate developer Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka, place their hands in cement during topping off festivities for the 92-story Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago.. <br /><br />More Exclusive video @
Facts about Donald Trump
<br /> A Casa Branca garantiu nesta quarta-feira que o presidente americano, Donald Trump, não está ‘nada preocupado’ com o que seu ex-advogado Michael Cohen possa revelar se cooperar com o procurador especial Robert Mueller.<br />
Donald trump Brave Man