News & Politics

2 Views ยท 2 months ago

First Lady Melania Trump on Tuesday hit the campaign trail for her president husband for the first time on her own this year, praising him as a "fighter" and offering support to pandemic victims.

0 Views ยท 2 months ago

Mary Trump explains why Donald Trump is "terrified"

1 Views ยท 2 months ago

A 20-year-old Donald Trump supporter has been caught by police after scaling the Trump Tower in New York in order to meet the presidential nominee. Report by Duffys. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at

3 Views ยท 2 months ago

Der designierte US-Prรคsident Donald Trump hat einen Rechtsstreit um Betrugsvorwรผrfe gegen eine von ihm gegrรผndete Schule mit einem Millionenvergleich beigelegt. Der Immobilienunternehmer erklรคrte sich zu einer Zahlung von 25 Millionen an ehemalige Studenten der โ€œTrump Universityโ€ bereit, wie der New Yorker Staatsanwalt Eric Schneiderman mitteilte. Der zukรผnftige Prรคsident vermied damit einen Gerichtsprozess, der in zehn Tagen begonnen hรคtte. Sein Anwalt Daniel Petrocelli betonte, dass Trump damit keine Schuld eingestehe: โ€œEin wichtiger Teil fรผr unsere Bereitschaft, in diesem Fall einen Kompromiss zu schlieรŸen, war das Eingestรคndnis, dass der designierte Prรคsident Trump oder die Trump University keine Fehler gemacht haben und nicht haftbar sind.โ€<br /><br /> Trump wurde in Sammelklagen und einem von Schneiderman angestrengten Verfahren beschuldigt, mehr als 6000 Studenten mit falschen Versprechen geprellt und um 40 Millionen Dollar gebracht zu haben. Trump selbst habe daran fรผnf Millionen Dollar verdient, so der Vorwurf Schneidermans. Jason Forge, Anwalt der Klรคger: โ€œJeder, der an dieser Schule eingeschrieben war und sein Geld zurรผck will, wird mindestens die Hรคlfte der Gebรผhren zurรผck bekommenโ€, so der Anwalt der Klรคger. โ€œWir sind sehr zufrieden mit diesem Ergebnis.โ€<br /><br /> Die โ€œTrump Universityโ€ wurde von 2005 bis 2010 betrieben und nach Betrugsvorwรผrfen geschlossen. Die Dozenten der Schule fรผr Immobilienhรคndler waren laut Gericht kaum qualifiziert. Auch die Abschlรผsse der Einrichtung waren nicht anerkannt.<br /><br /> Trump hatte die Anschuldigungen bislang zurรผckgewiesen und noch im Juni angekรผndigt, die โ€œTrump Universityโ€ wieder zu รถffnen, โ€œnachdem der Fall gewonnen istโ€. Immer wieder erklรคrte er in der Vergangenheit auch, er lasse sich in Rechtsstreitigkeiten nicht auf Vergleiche ein, weil es gegen seine Grundsรคtze verstรถรŸt. So schrieb er im Februar im Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter: โ€œDie Trump University hat Zustimmungsquoten von 98 Prozent. Ich hรคtte mich auf einen Vergleich einlassen kรถnnen, aber das mache ich aus Prinzip nicht.โ€<br /><br /> Trump University has a 98% approval rating. I could have settled but won't out of principle!โ€” Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 29. Februar 2016<br /> <br /><br /> Der Fall hatte zudem bereits im Wahlkampf fรผr Schlagzeilen gesorgt, weil Trump dem zustรคndigen Richter Gonzalo Curiel wegen dessen mexikanischer Wurzeln Befangenheit vorgeworfen hatte. AnschlieรŸend hatte er sich fรผr seine ร„uรŸerungen entschuldigt.<br />

2 Views ยท 2 months ago

Sean Mallen brings more from Toronto. Subscribe: Livestream: ...

2 Views ยท 2 months ago

President Donald Trump answers a nice question about the much loved First Lady Melania Trump from the East Room of The White House. (Listen in)<br /><br />Here is a transcript: <br />Question: Mr. President, Melania Trump announced the reopening of the White House Visitors Office. <br /><br />THE PRESIDENT: Yes.<br /><br />Q And she does a lot of great work for the country as well. Can you tell us a little bit about what First Lady Melania Trump does for the country? And there is a unique level of interest in your administration, so by opening the White House Visitors Office, what does that mean to you?<br /><br />THE PRESIDENT: Now, that's what I call a nice question. That is very nice. Who are you with?<br /><br />Q (Inaudible.)<br /><br />THE PRESIDENT: Good. I'm going to start watching. Thank you very much.<br /><br />Melania is terrific. She was here last night. We had dinner with Senator Rubio and his wife, who is, by the way, lovely. And we had a really good discussion about Cuba because we have very similar views on Cuba. And Cuba was very good to me in the Florida election as you know, the Cuban people, Americans. And I think that Melania is going to be outstanding. That's right, she just opened up the Visitors Center -- in other words, touring of the White House. <br /><br />She, like others that she's working with, feels very, very strongly about women's issues, women's difficulties, very, very strongly. And she's a very, very strong advocate. I think she's a great representative for this country. And a funny thing happens because she gets so unfairly maligned. The things they say -- I've known her for a long time. She was a very successful person. She was a very successful model. She did really well. She would go home at night and didn't even want to go out with people. She was a very private person. She was always the highest quality that you'll ever find. And the things they say -- and I've known her for a long time -- the things they say are so unfair. And actually, she's been apologized to, as you know, by various media because they said things that were lies.<br /><br />I'd just tell you this: I think she's going to be a fantastic First Lady. She's going to be a tremendous representative of women and of the people. And helping her and working with her will be Ivanka, who is a fabulous person and a fabulous, fabulous woman. And they're not doing this for money. They're not doing this for pay. They're doing this because they feel it, both of them. And Melania goes back and forth, and after Barron finishes school -- because it's hard to take a child out of school with a few months left -- she and Barron will be moving over to the White House. Thank you. That's a very nice question.<br />

2 Views ยท 2 months ago

Water, steaks, airplanes! Big!

1 Views ยท 2 months ago

The presumptive GOP nominee says his comments about the judge in the Trump University trial were misconstrued. Sloane Glass has more from Donald Trump.

1 Views ยท 2 months ago

A big Trump-Baby balloon makes the scene across the UK ahead of Trumpยดs visit

2 Views ยท 2 months ago

We got the shot of Trump's motorcade leaving Singapore's Istana Palace after lunch! We also interviewed a few of the 3,000 journalists who have descended upon Singapore to cover the Trump Kim Summit. <br /><br />Watch our first video from the Trump Kim Summit: Impersonator Madness!<br /><br />SUBSCRIBE:<br /><br />CONNECT<br /><br /><br /><br />

2 Views ยท 2 months ago

Guido Moltedo ospite di euronews commenta le elezioni di midterm. Con la camera che passa ai democrat, Trump costretto a contenersi si dedicherร  di piรน alla politica estera

2 Views ยท 2 months ago

Nach dem Weihnachtsfoto fehlte Melania Trump nun auch auf der Silvesterveranstaltung ihres Mannes. Dort gab Donald Trump den traurigen Grund fรผr das Fehlen seiner Frau bekannt.

2 Views ยท 2 months ago

Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong met US President Donald Trumpโ€‹ and his delegation for a working lunch at the Istana in Singapore on Monday. The officials also celebrated Trump's birthday.

2 Views ยท 2 months ago

0 Views ยท 2 months ago

Os dois candidatos ร  presidรชncia dos Estados Unidos repercutiram nesta quarta-feira os mais recentes casos de violรชncia policial contra negros no paรญs.

0 Views ยท 2 months ago

Trump geliyor <br />

0 Views ยท 2 months ago

Trump konuลŸtu

1 Views ยท 2 months ago

2 Views ยท 2 months ago

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