Sargon of Akkad, Jordan Peterson In The Crosshairs
Bret Weinstein, Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, what is the intellectual dark web? RT and many outlets have been on a smearwave misinforming readers by insinuating that people like Sargon of Akkad and Jordan Peterson somehow support White Nationalism. News flash, they don't. But why then are we seeing the Guardian try to associate college academics with people like Alex jones? Are these actually just ideological hit pieces? Is it an attempt to poison the well so that people will associate free thinkers with conspiracy theories? SUPPORT JOURNALISM. Become a patron at My Second Channel - Make sure to subscribe for more travel, news, opinion, and documentary with Tim Pool everyday. Amazon Prime 30 day free trial - MY GEARGoPro Karma - GoPro 6 - DJI Mavic Drone - Zagg 12 AMP portable battery - TASCAM Lavalier mic - Canon HD XF 105 Camera - Canon 5D MK III Camera - 360 Camera (VR) - FOLLOW MEInstagram - Twitter - Minds - Facebook - Bitcoin Wallet: 13ha54MW2hYUS3q1jJhFyWdpNfdfMWtmhZ SEND STUFF HERE Tim Pool330 Washington Street - PMB 517Hoboken, NJ 07030