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Roy Campbell - Reflection, by Roy Campbell

0 Views· 12/05/24
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My thought has learned the lucid art <br />By which the willows lave their limbs <br />Whose form upon the water swims <br />Though in the air they rise apart. <br />For when with my delight I lie, <br />By purest reason unreproved, <br />Psyche usurps the outward eye <br />To trace her inward sculpture grooved <br />In one melodious line, whose flow <br />With eddying circle now invests <br />The rippled silver of her breasts, <br />Now shaves a flank of rose-lit snow, <br />Or rounds a cheek where sunset dies <br />in the black starlight of her eyes.<br /><br />Roy Campbell<br /><br />http://www.poemhunter.com/poem..../reflection-by-roy-c

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