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Kezziah Hopkins - Urgency

0 Views· 12/05/24
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oh, urgency, that dreadful boulder <br />looming towards your head... <br />urgency, the drive to think more <br />quickly-march in time, perform <br />each motion as a mechanized device, <br />without the time to reconsider... <br />urgency! but how should you presume <br />to take your time, your future, <br />all your breathing days, and pack, <br />compress them to three hours a week? <br />oh, urgency compels you, but <br />the truce has not yet come: this too <br />exhausting battle still goes on... <br />urgency! but you can't tell the victor <br />from the fray, can't moralize <br />a dreadful enemy and slay him in <br />a single stroke of fate, can't <br />even tell quite where to set your foot. <br />(maybe it's not for you to know?) <br />yet urgency, that pulse, still drives <br />you on, towards what? a looming <br />thought, unknown, unknowable, unreached, <br />unreachable, and on you struggle, <br />not quite knowing what you're fighting for. <br />urgency-or does he know? and if on <br />him your eyes are set, can you <br />presume to mar beyond repair the good <br />he'll do in you? urgency... <br />yet, is he bound by time?<br /><br />Kezziah Hopkins<br /><br />http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/urgency/

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