Jessie Hopkins - Water
Water is life. <br />Water flows through Earth's veins. <br />Water is mysterious and dangerous. <br />Water transports us to the vast unknown. <br />Tower of water sliced by surfer's board. <br />Children fire water pistols, <br />and others dive into watery depths. <br />Hummingbirds fly through water sprinklers, <br />and robins bathe in water fountains. <br />Water darkens the sky. <br />Water whitens the cold, frozen ground. <br />White water rapids dump unexpecting people into the river. <br />Water washes away the land. <br />Water preserves a soldier's tomb. <br />Water saves a thirsty travler's life. <br />Waterfalls create rainbows. <br />People scream in excitement on water rides, <br />and laugh while throwing water balloons. <br />Water is within our very being. <br />Water is life.<br /><br />Jessie Hopkins<br /><br />