French mayor offers free Viagra to boost village birth rate
MONTEREAU, FRANCE — A French mayor has come up with an interesting solution to solve underpopulation in his town. <br /><br />The Telegraph reports that the number of babies had been going down in the village of Montereau, south of Paris. Its population was a measly 650.<br /><br />Falling birth rates was not good for the local schools, which would have to shut one or two of its four classes if there weren't enough students. If that happens, the town's kids have to travel to neighboring areas to be educated.<br /><br />To try and solve the population problem, Mayor Jean Debouzy pledged free Viagra for all the couples in Montereau to help get things up and ready.<br /><br />According to the decree, "pills will be handed out to couples between 18 and 40 in order to give them every possible chance to conceive and thus preserve the schools." A tall order!<br /><br />He also wanted to give special one-off bonuses for anyone who birthed a baby, as an incentive.<br /><br />Whether or not the mayor is actually allowed to give out the blue pills is unclear, since it can only be obtained in France with a doctor's prescription. <br /><br />But the townsfolk don't seem to chomping at the bit for Viagra, either. Not one of them has made a dash for the performance enhancing pills since the decree was issued last Thursday.<br /><br />If anything, though, the mayor says the Viagra ploy will at least be a good way to get people to talk about the school issue.