Brian Campbell - I Stand Redeemed
Deep in the past; <br />On through the night, <br />Thoughts provoked me <br />Withholding sight. <br />See me now <br />By morning light, <br />I've been beaten <br />By this plight, <br />Spit on, kicked, <br />Mocked, and torn. <br />I just want victory, <br />Sound the horn! <br />For now my life <br />Is sad and worn. <br />For then I knew not <br />What I'd been <br />All I knew <br />Was what I'd seen <br />And this light I now see; <br />I now feel; <br />I now be; <br />Overtakes me. <br />The difference was He. <br />From life now taken, <br />I am unbroken. <br />No chains now hold me, <br />I stand redeemed.<br /><br />Brian Campbell<br /><br />