20150917台灣少子化衝擊 政府推動「催生」政策Taiwan women having more babies—宏觀英語新聞
Taiwan has a low fertility rate with women giving birth to an average of only one child. The government has been trying to change this trend through policies that encourage couples to have babies. The plan may be working as the fertility rate has been gradually rising in the past four years. The rate has increased from 0.9 children per woman to 1.17. But the average age women give birth to their first child is also going up. It has risen to a record high of 30.5 years old. <br /> <br />台灣面臨少子化衝擊,政府積極推動「催生」政策,內政部統計,從100年起,生育率逐漸提升,一名育齡婦女所生的嬰兒數,從平均0.9個孩子,增加到1.17人。不過,台灣女性生第一胎的年齡,則提升到30.5歲,創下歷史新高。 <br /> <br />*More Information 更多資訊請至 <br />宏觀電視官網:http://www.pts.org.tw/macroview/ <br />臉書粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/taiwanmactv <br /> <br />訂閱節目 Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/user/macroview