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Clever call saves woman from attack! A sexual assault victim's quick-thinking saved her life this month, when deputies said she disguised her 911 call as a pizza order. The eerie 911 call was released on Facebook by the Volusia County Sheriff's Office. The woman is heard asking to order a pizza, before the dispatcher catches on. #florida #pizza #911
I have gotten hundreds of messages asking for a cover of Country Roads. We filmed this over the summer and I forgot about it with all the insanity during tour. It's not much but I hope you enjoy it! Filmed on the Bluestone River in Mercer County WV. #fyp #tiktokmusic #countryroads
Caught on camera UK dashcam catches 225D #ukdashcam #ukbaddriving #baddriver #roadrage #ukdriving #closecall #caughtoncamera #carcrash #dashcamuk #ukdashcamcatches #drivingfail #roadrageuk #dashcamcatches #dashcamvideos #carcrashuk #ukdrivers #exposedukdashcams #dashcamvideosuk
This is the moment a small robot called Erbai was caught ‘kidnapping’ other bigger robots to leave on CCTV at a Shangai showroom. 🤖 The company behind the robots, Hangzhou said it got permissions to tell Erbai to ‘abduct’ others to leave the room as part of an experiment. Hangzhou stressed that it is still ‘impossible’ for a robot to start such a conversation and convince others to do something without the correct permissions. #robot #china #cctv #experiment